
The slightly other world of science

With the SR3 Saltlab we are testing alloy wheels against salt.

At www.sr3-saltlab.com car owners enter a special kind of laboratory where alloy rims are tested for winter use under the toughest conditions. A unique information campaign that does away with common arguments!

AEZ offers every car aficionado their desired rim, especially for the cold season, too. And yet, many end consumers share the false perception that alloy rims should not be used in snow and ice. Against this backdrop AEZ developed a test lab of a special kind – online, of course. The SR3 Saltlab does away with this false wide-spread information in a humorous way. In a total of three different test methods visitors get to know that road salt is snows of yesteryear for AEZ alloy wheels since the resistance of the “wheel well enhancers” is unbroken – or maybe not? Without giving too much away it can be safely said that the 12-hour salt aquarium test is only the first stage. In other leading roles we present to you – a toothbrush, a drilling machine and a salt gun.

With the SR3 Saltlab we are testing alloy wheels against salt.

Enter the world of salt crystals: www.sr3-saltlab.com

Saltlab raffle

As a bonus, with a little bit of luck, visitors have the opportunity to win their desired rim set to become their own SR3 paint tester. Become an expert and answer a “scientific” question – a brief study is all it takes, in this case at www.sr3-saltlab.com.